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See my 107 Photos

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 2018-08-08 GMT-5 hours   
Dear Members,

I'm excited to announce a new photo search page for the site: http://www.airfighters.com/search

This is not your ordinary search page. While it may look simple, it's actually quite complex in the back end. Unlike our other search engine, here you can enter multiple word combinations to get the desired results. No need to click Search or press the Enter button. If you type in correctly-spelled words that are in the database, the search results will automatically start appearing on the page.

Play around with it and let me know what you think. We can fine-tune it more based on your experience. Enjoy!


This is the oldest I've ever been.

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See my 9,353 Photos

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 2018-08-08 GMT-5 hours   
Very very nice Ray. No idea how complex it was to make, but it works great.

Would be nice to be able to sort the results in different formats like on other pages so its displays some (more) info as well.

For me the rotating photobackground can be missed or replaced by a static one because it distracts very much from viewing the search results ...

Rgds, Carl.

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See my 107 Photos

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 2018-08-09 GMT-5 hours   
Hi Carl,

Thanks for your feedback. I thought about displaying all the data, but it would slow down the rendering of the results by a lot. Simply open the photo in a new tab to see all the data.

I've had a few people advise me about the rotating background and thus I have made it static. It now displays a different image every time the page loads, but it only picks from 10 photos, again for speed reasons.



This is the oldest I've ever been.

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